Many people ask us, how does the Rent To Own program work - well, very successfully. Renting to own a shed is a great alternative to purchasing one out right. First off, the payments are affordable. By paying monthly, it isn't going to put a damper on your savings account, rather, you can make it part of your budget.
Another great aspect is NO CREDIT CHECK - that's right. Some think it is crazy, maybe we are, but even still, you deserve a second chance. Listen, everyone makes mistakes, let's just move on.
Guaranteed approval - another avenue less traveled, especially in today's economy. You can have no credit, little credit, bad credit, you still walk out with a new order or a stock building.
This is my favorite part, when I get to tell people where the money goes. Our rent to own program is head up by a company called Good Shepherd Rentals. Good Shepherd knows that they have a decision and can do what ever they like with their money, and the decision they have made is a wonderful one.
Their profits go to run an orphanage in South America. They realize, when you are blessed, it is up to you to take care of the less fortunate. Personally, I applaud their efforts, as well as their integrity to step up and and to do what is right.
So that is a little about our rent to own program - stop by or give us a call with any questions.
Your storage expert,
Doug Marcarelli
CT Business Manager
Pine Creek Structures, Pine Creek Construction
1695 Berlin Turnpike
Berlin, CT 06037
c - 203.548.7355
f - 203.842.3971
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @pinecreekct
Check out our Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PinecreekCT?feature=watch
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Awesome Blog, Doug!